ECOM is a B2B marketplace, where companies from the European Union can buy and sell everything they need at wholesale prices, safely and securely.
The seller of the goods is indicated in the product view. Order is a purchasing contract between you and the seller. ECOM is not a party, providing you safe and convenient procurement experience.
The approximate delivery time and methods are indicated in the product view and in the shopping cart. Usually you receive the goods within 2-3 days, but if the seller provides express delivery - on the same day
ECOM is a B2B marketplace, which serves as a platform of trust between seller and buyer. Sellers do not receive the funds, until you confirm the receipt of goods. Our Resolution centre makes sure you are 100% satisfied with the products, while Returns and RMA services ensure that the seller will fulfil its return and warranty obligations. It’s risk-free, fast and secure procurement that saves time, expanding your reach and creating new business opportunities.
Return and Warranty of the product is provided by the seller of the product specified in the product view. We, in turn, guarantee a refund if you did not like the goods or you did not receive the goods.
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