Help FAQ
Returns & Refunds
How can I return a product?

If you are not satisfied with the quality of the item, we provide a convenient return process for you, which gives you full control over the status of the application and fast and guaranteed processing. To return a product, use the "Return" function available from the order menu. You can return the goods within the period, stated in the conditions of the product. Please follow the return process and check your email for status updates.

I returned the item, when will I get my money back?

Once the seller has acknowledged receipt of the return, the seller has 7 business days to inspect the item. After the inspection, the seller will either confirm your request or refuse, indicating the reason. After confirmation, your refund request will be created automatically and the refund will be made according to the general refund rules.

When will I receive a refund?

We process refunds the same day. Usually the return takes no more than 24 hours, however, depending on your payment method, can take up to 7 days.

How long does delivery take?

Most parcels are delivered within 3 days after payment. You can see the approximate delivery time in the shopping cart before ordering, or the exact one after confirmation of the order by the seller.

What shipping methods are available?

The method and cost of delivery depends on the country of the seller and the type of goods you order. You can see the list of deliveries in the cart under the goods of each seller or in a product view.

Why are there multiple shipping costs in the cart?

ECOM is a marketplace. This means that you can order goods directly from different sellers at once, while the shipping cost and method will depend on the seller's products and settings.

My order is delayed, who should I contact for clarification?

In case of delays or ambiguities on the status of an order, you can use the "Chat with the seller" function that you will find in the order review.
You can track the delivery status using the "Tracking" function or contact the delivery company for details.

If the seller does not respond, feel free to contact our Business Angels team and who are always ready to resolve any situation.

I ordered a product with the seller's delivery, but still have not received the product?

How long does it take to process an order?

After payment, the seller has 24 hours to confirm the order and 24 hours to ship (only during business hours, seller's delivery is excluded from this condition). If the seller has not confirmed the order, the order will be cancelled automatically and the refund will be made.

I ordered the wrong product, how can I cancel the order?

You can cancel an order during the processing time. If an order has been confirmed by the seller, to cancel an order, choose “Request cancel” from the order menu.Cancellations on this stage is fully at the discretion of the seller .

The order was cancelled by the seller, when will I get the money back?

If the order is cancelled by the seller, we will refund your money to the same payment method. Most refunds are processed immediately, however, depending on your payment method, this may take up to 7 days.

What payment methods are available?

Payment methods can vary upon your country. We provide both instant payments in certain countries and SEPA transfers for all countries

We’re working on expanding our payment methods to suit any your circumstances. Please let our Business Angels know what payment method you would like to use and consider it done.

The amount was debited from the card, but the transaction is still marked as payment pending ?

In rare cases technical errors can occur on our or payment provider side, but don't worry. Write to our Business Angels , to find your payment immediately. They will make sure you receive your order as soon as possible.

Resolution centre
What is ECOM ?

ECOM is a B2B marketplace, where companies from the European Union can buy and sell everything they need at wholesale prices, safely and securely.

Who is the seller of the goods?

The seller of the goods is indicated in the product view. Order is a purchasing contract between you and the seller. ECOM is not a party, providing you safe and convenient procurement experience.

How long does delivery take?

The approximate delivery time and methods are indicated in the product view and in the shopping cart. Usually you receive the goods within 2-3 days, but if the seller provides express delivery - on the same day

Why buy from you, not directly from the seller?

ECOM is a B2B marketplace, which serves as a platform of trust between seller and buyer. Sellers do not receive the funds, until you confirm the receipt of goods. Our Resolution centre makes sure you are 100% satisfied with the products, while Returns and RMA services ensure that the seller will fulfil its return and warranty obligations. It’s risk-free, fast and secure procurement that saves time, expanding your reach and creating new business opportunities.

Who provides warranty for the goods?

Return and Warranty of the product is provided by the seller of the product specified in the product view. We, in turn, guarantee a refund if you did not like the goods or you did not receive the goods.

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