
1. The guarantee is provided by the Seller of the goods.
2. You will receive a warranty certificate from the seller along with the product or separately by e-mail.
3. Product serial numbers, where applicable, will be added to the order and will be visible in the order view and a generated warranty list.
4. In the event of a warranty case, please fill the warranty form on the website  in RMA Warranty service.
5. The warranty period is indicated in the product conditions and is available in the order view by clicking on the "Product copy" menu.
6.Be aware that used and refurbished products may have a shorter warranty, and food and drug products and other items may not be covered by the warranty.
7.Ecom does not provide warranty service, and is not responsible for the quality and originality of the goods. If you believe that the Seller is selling a deliberately low-quality product, please inform our Customer Care to remove these items from sales.

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