Delivery methods vary, depending on product weight, seller preferences and destination country.

We currently offer the following types of traceable deliveries:

Available for buyers in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden and Poland

Available for all EU destinations

Available for all EU destinations

Traceable deliveries are confirmed automatically using tracking information.

3.Seller's shipping:

Sellers shipping is processed by the seller and not traceable. Delivery fact is confirmed by the seller.

There are several options available:

Express delivery
Available if the seller or product is close to your destination. Express delivery is usually the same day or next day.

Custom delivery
Usually applies to wholesale and lots. This delivery type, processed and conducted by the seller’s and some additional conditions and restrictions may apply. Please contact the seller prior the order, to clarify delivery conditions and terms,

4. Local pick up from seller's store/warehouse:

Please note that if you choose to pick up the goods from the seller's warehouse, goods should be inspected on spot and cannot be returned.
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